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Title in english


Embargo lift


Πτυχιακή εργασία
Graduation Project



Examining Committee

Studio Director

Τρανός, Νίκος

Academic Institution

Ανώτατη Σχολή Καλών Τεχνών
Athens School of Fine Arts


Τμήμα Εικαστικών Τεχνών
Department of Visual Arts



Master of Arts Program

Keywords in english

Toilet, Plexiglass, Bathroom, Bedside Table, Pigal, Towel, Bathtub, Room, Defecation, Shower, Basket, Restroom, Washbasin


Ο χώρος τής τουαλέτας, ως χώρος δείξης και σήμανσης, αποτελεί το αντικείμενο της γλυπτικής μου εγκατάστασης Rest Room. Μέσω της εικαστικής γλώσσας, δημιουργώ-ορίζω ορατούς διαύλους/εξόδους συγκινησιακών καταστάσεων, με κύριο στόχο την αποφόρτιση τους. "... η αφόδευση για το μικρό παιδί, αλλά και για τον ενήλικα σε οριακές καταστάσεις, είναι ένας από τους τρόπους σήμανσης –άμεσης, δεικτικής σήμανσης– συγκινήσεων, λ.χ. χαράς, φόβου. H –συγκριτικά– «ψυχρή», αφαιρετική και γενικευτική σήμανση της εμπειρίας μοιάζει να προϋποθέτει την καταστολή της «θερμής», άμεσης, αδιαμεσολάβητης, δεικτικής σήμανσης. Kαι η αφόδευση, όπως και η φωνή, είναι μια μορφή δεικτικής σήμανσης. H καταστολή, με τον έλεγχο των σφιγκτήρων, αυτού του –δεικτικού– τρόπου σήμανσης της εμπειρίας συγχρονίζεται με τη διάνοιξη ενός άλλου «υπόγειου διαύλου» επικοινωνίας νου και σώματος," Αναστάσιος-Φοίβος Χριστίδης

Abstract in english

The restroom area, as a space of display and signage, is the subject of my sculptural installation “Rest Room”. Through the visual arts language, I create/define visible channels/exits for emotional with the primary aim of relieving them. “Defecation for a small child, and even for an adult, in extreme situations, is one of the ways of signalling direct, demonstrative signalling, of emotions such as joy and fear. The comparatively“cold” abstract and generalised signalling of experience seems to require the suppression of the “warm“, immediate, and mediated, demonstrative signalling. And defecation, like the voice, is a form of demonstrative signalling. The suppression, through the control of the sphincters, of this demonstrative method of signalling experience synchronises with the opening of another “underground channel“ of communication between mind and body.” Anastasios-Fivos Xristidis


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Brief Bio

Coming from a family of wood carvers, born in 1991, he studied hagiography in an early age, while attending free hand sketching and architectural design (2005-2008). In 2012, he had his B.A in Graphic Design (University of Derby) and in 2015 he achieved the highest score in admission tests for the Athens School of Fine Arts. From 2017 to 2020 he joined the creative team of Theodora Mantzari, working as a graphic designer on significant international graphic design commissions. During the last years, he had developed social awareness through artistic interventions under commission of Caritas, an Athens based NGO, co-producing with immigrant children public murals. In 2016 he moved to Lesvos, the main immigrants reception center, he merged with the locals and he produced a series of artworks presented at the exhibition «Genius loci». His artwork has been exhibited at the “Breaking the Chains” festival in Technopolis of Athens. In the context of “Little Paris” (2017 edition) he created murals for poor Athenian districts. In 2019 he won the 1st prize for “Birds” at the Independent Power Transmission Organization art contest. In 2020 he envisioned the 1st mural festival for the municipality of New Filadelfia and he started his own graphic design office.